This is the music magazine from my AS coursework.
From my coursework I can identify the strengths and weaknesses.
Strengths of my music magazine include:
- Colour palette; I believe I had a strong colour palette which followed heavily through my magazine in order to get a continuous flow throughout making the magazine look professional. The colours I used relate to my magazine's genre of Indie/Indie Rock which follow the main colours of black and red like my magazine.
- Fonts; Again I used the same fonts throughout my magazine to keep a flow. The fonts I used also relate to my primary audience of women which would attract my audience perfectly.
- Camera shots; I chose the medium shot primarily for my magazine as this was shown the most in other magazine's which follow the same genre as my magazine. I chose a close up for my contents page in order to relate to the Indie Rock and not just the Indie which all my other images relate too. The mise en scene of the images also helped fit the genre for example the use of props shown in my front cover and the use of bright lighting throughout the images.
However there are also area's of improvement for my music magazine.
Improvements include:
- Images; My images aren't of as good quality as they could be which makes my magazine look less professional this is especially shown on my contents page. I could have also used a larger variety of images. Also no credit was given to the photographer which is a main feature in existing magazines.
- Barcode; My barcode looks unprofessional due to the large price on the side, without this price the front cover would look much more professional. The price on the barcode also makes my magazine look messy as if it my magazine doesn't follow a specific layout.
- Gaps; To fill gaps in my magazine I created a puff which doesn't look professional and makes my magazine look of a bad quality, I could have spent more time on the puffs in order to make them look of a higher standard and therefore make my magazine look a lot more professional.
From doing my AS coursework I have developed a number of technological skills.
These skills include; Photoshop, Blogger and Prezi.
- I improved in photoshop in comparison to my preliminary task of a college magazine as I began to get familiar with the specific tools and learn to use them to my advantage for example the Heal tool which helped get rid of any background or blemishes in my photo's which weren't meant to be there. This in effect helped my magazine look of a higher standard. By the continuing use of Photoshop my skills are still developing within it.
- I developed in Blogger as before AS Media I had never used it before so it was all new to me. I am now able to navigate through it without any problem which makes publishing media work onto the blog quicker and easier than it was previously in AS.
- Prezi was another piece of software which was new to me this allowed me to present my work in different ways in order to make my blog look different. Now that I can use Prezi easily I can use this to present my work quicker and better in A2 which will help add something different to my blog which may not be present in other people's.
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