Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Colour Psychology

I will refer to this colour psychology chart when creating my Media products as this will help me gain an understanding of the colours I need to attract the perfect audience. Included in this image are brands which follow this colour psychology chart in order to gain their primary audience which evidently works for them as they are all successful and still running brands. The feelings involved in the colours shown are what I will work from when creating my magazine. 
Looking at these images I am thinking about using the colour Red, Black and Grey and they are known in the alternative and indie genre and they also fit the correct personalities shown in my survey. I will use Grey for the intelligence, Red for passion youth and power, Black for drama and sophistication/class. These colours are shown in the people who took my survey which can be found HERE
I have also researched black, grey, white, brown and beige as these colours aren't shown in the images above.

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